
In addition to cashmere and silk, alpaca is one of the finest natural fibers. Because of its special softness, fineness and its heat-regulating properties, alpaca wool is very popular, especially among high-quality wool suppliers. Alpaca wool has unique properties because, due to the microscopic air pockets in the fibers, it stores heat five times better than sheep's wool fibers and does not contain lanolin and is therefore ideal for people who are allergic to wool.

The alpaca is a camel from the South American Andes, closely related to llamas, guanacos and vicunas. The special properties of alpaca fibers were already very much appreciated in the pre-Inca period. The Incas regarded an alpaca coat as a symbol of prosperity and could only be worn by chiefs or kings.

The animal husbandry of the alpacas cannot generally be compared with the European, conventional sheep husbandry and is regarded as sustainable due to the extensive husbandry and the handling of the animals. Alpaca wool is naturally available in different tones from pure white to beige to all brown and reddish brown tones to shades of gray and black. Alpacas are usually shorn and / or combed out once a year. When shearing an animal, up to six kilos of alpaca wool can be obtained, of which 30 to a maximum of 50% can be used for yarn production. The alpaca wool used by wunderwerk comes exclusively from Peru, hence where the animals originally come from.

Since 2018, wunderwerk has refrained from using alpaca wool in the development of new products. The manufacturer could not guarantee that the animals would be sheared fairly. This fact has also been reported to Peta since 2020. As long as a sustainable reference cannot be guaranteed, wunderwerk will not use alpaca yarn in the development of new products. Please note: alpaca products that have already been produced will continue to be sold out.

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